BTR Liverpool
How much do you love running?
Well with Valentines Day falling on a Sunday in 2021 we thought we would give you the opportunity to love it as much as you like with a new 5K virtual run and another brilliant medal.
We would of course like to host an event where we can all get together and share the running love but with social distancing requirements likely to be in place into the new year we thought it would be a great option to give everyone something different.
You can run your 5K close to home with someone you love or perhaps surprise your running partner with our special spinning heart medal.
We'll be opening up our very own Valentine's Day message wall so you can leave a message and potentially make someone's day.
Places will be limited so it you want to spring a surprise on someone or just love running then make a note in your diary... Sunday 14th February 2021. Love it!
Entry fee is £12 plus online charge and medals will be sent out the week before the 14th February.